Publications authored by Benjamin P. Horton

Estimating global mean sea-level rise and its uncertainties by 2100 and 2300 from an expert survey

Benjamin P. Horton, Andra J. Garner, Andrew C. Kemp, Janice S.H. Lee, Niamh Cahill, Nicole Khan, et al.
05/2020 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 3 1

Mapping Sea-Level Change in Time, Space, and Probability

Benjamin P. Horton, Andra Garner, Carling Hay, Keven Roy, Nicole Khan, Robert Kopp, et al.
10/2018 Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43

Predicting marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise using Holocene relative sea-level data

Benjamin P. Horton, Ian Shennan, Matthew Kirwan, Niamh Cahill, Robert E. Kopp, Sarah L. Bradley, et al.
07/2018 Nature Communications 9

Diatoms as indicators of former sea levels, earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes

Benjamin P. Horton, & Yuki Sawai
The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences. 2nd edition

Microfossils in Tidal Settings as Indicators of Sea-Level Change, Paleoearthquakes, Tsunamis, and Tropical Cyclones

Benjamin P. Horton, Andrew C. Kemp, Simon E. Engelhart, & Yuki Sawai
2013 Treatise on Geomorphology 14

Sea-Levels, Late Quaternary: Mid-Latitudes

Benjamin P. Horton
2007 Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science 1st Edition

UK intertidal foraminiferal distributions: implications for sea-level studies

Benjamin P. Horton, Jeremy M. Lloyd, & Robin J. Edwards
05/1999 Marine Micropaleontology 36 4

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