Publications authored by Glen S. Mattioli

Prototype PBO instrumentation of CALIPSO project captures world‚ a record lava dome collapse on Montserrat Volcano

Glen S. Mattioli, Alan T. Linde, Barry Voight, Eylon Shalev, I Selwyn Sacks, Peter Malin, et al.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical UnionEos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 85

Unique and remarkable dilatometer measurements of pyroclastic flow-generated tsunamis

Glen S. Mattioli, Alan T. Linde, Barry Voight, Carlisle Pyiko Williams, Christina Widiwijayanti, Dannie Hidayat, et al.
Jan Geology 35

Long term surface deformation of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat from GPS geodesy: Inferences from simple elastic inverse models

Glen S. Mattioli, Barry Voight, Christina Widiwijayanti, Graham Ryan, Michael H. Strutt, & Richard A. Herd
Geophysical Research Letters 37

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